Tuesday 3 November 2020

Why has Photobrook Photography gone a bit quiet?

It doesn't take a genius to work out that things have gone a bit quite in the world of Photobrook Photography. 

One large life event of loosing my dad certainly turned a lot of my life on it's head which meant that blogging and photography simply just fell to one side.

Since losing my dad 4 years ago lots has changed in my personal life. 

I got married! I'm now Mrs White. 

I got pregnant! I'm now mummy to a little man called Arthur. 

I decided to set up my own business - Welcome to Amanda White Digital an SEO and PPC consultation service based in Cornwall. 

Perhaps that last one wasn't quite the best timing, launching anything new at the start of 2020 was quite possibly the worst timing with this lovely Coronavirus doing the rounds but it's certainly giving me something new to focus on. 

I want to pick up Photobrook again and get my camera out and dust off the lenses and find my passion for taking photographs again. If however you want to read about SEO and PPC then head over to Amanda White Digital for my latest blog posts over their. 
