As the last day of 2012 draws to a close, many people will be reflecting on what they have achieved over the last 12 months and what they want to achieve and even give up for the new year ahead.
2012 has been a big year, remembering back to those soggy summer months celebrating the Queens jubilee and the Olympics. Here's my review of my 2012 from Cornwall.
January - Personally January was an incredibly hard time for me. On the 4th of January I went to Treliske hospital in Truro and had fairly major surgery on my face. I had my jaw broken in three places and am now tied back together with metal plates and screws.
Being stuck indoors for weeks and on liquid diets wasn't the best start to the year. As I recovered I was able to get back out with my camera and February provided some real good photographic opportunities for me.
February - The start of February began with a big freeze. Beaches froze and Watergate Bay saw the formation of massive icicles on the cliffs. Braving the cold weather and wrapping up my new face i ventured to beach to capture the amazing formations. My images were featured in both the Newquay Voice and Cornish Guardian newspapers.
March - This was a sad month for local Cornish radio station Atlantic FM that sadly shut down and was taken over by the generic Heart FM. Although they still have some localisation on the new radio station, personally i don't like being part of the chain radio station and am now in favour of Pirate FM, hopefully the new year will bring something new to fill the airwaves of Cornwall.
April - With the weather getting better and spring on the horizon it was time to start enjoying the beach, April proved to be a great month with Zap Cat racing coming to Newquays Fistral beach. With large waves this created a real spectacle with boats flying and launching themselves over waves. If you get a chance in 2013 this is definitely worth going to watch.
May - For me May was the best month not only because that's when I get to celebrate my birthday but also because I was lucky enough to get up to Scotland and visit Edinburgh Zoo and see the Giant Pandas. This was honestly the highlight of 2012 for me as seeing Giant Pandas has always been a dream. Hopefully the breeding plan put in place by the zoo will be successful in 2013 and i will have another excuse to take a trip up to Scotland in the new year.
June - As the longest day was reached the weather continued to shock and the summer was feeling a long way off. The wet weather continued and staying in the dry seamed to be the flavour of the month. Whilst staying in the dry I put my time into making a birthday cake for the other half. I wish he would have been happy with a simple Victoria sponge and had not requested that I make him a replica of his Porsche 914!
July - Summer in Cornwall is always about loving the beach and live music and 2012 certainly didn't dissappoint. Watergate Bay hosted the Electric Beach festival which was headlined by De La Soul. Feeder amazed crowds over at lusty glaze beach and both nights were fantastic and not a spot of rain to be seen. Unfortunately this didn't continue for the Eden Sessions which were some of the wettest sessions to be held there. Seeing Frank Turner was a particular highlight but by the end of the night a lot of people had left as they had been at the session for hours in the rain.
August - At the height of summer we also saw more rain, as 2012 has come to an end it has now been recorded that the year has been the wettest since records began. Hopefully things can only get better in 2013.
September - As the soggy summer draws to a close the end of season parties and festivals continue. The over the hill festival was a new festival for 2012 and was a complete success. Three days of live music and camping are a definite must for 2013 where hopefully the festival will keep it's intimate local vibe. The season ended with the incredible surf and roots festival held again at Watergate Bay with a massive night to remember created by live music from backbeat soundsystem and Wille and the Bandits.
October - The rain actually eased off in October and the waves picked up seeing the cribbar break just off Fistral. Crowds were down at the headland not only enjoying the massive waves but also soaking up some long awaited sunshine.
November - As with every November men everywhere ditch their razors and grow facial plumage for winter in aid of good causes and November in Cornwall is no different. Great Western beach in Newquay was turned into a massive piece of art work created in the sand around the mustache theme.
December - So we come to the end of the year, another month of torrential rain, more flooding in the west country, the world didn't end like the Mayans predicted but the weather could be described as apocalyptic. The rain has now become relentless and the roads like rivers. Let's just hope that 2013 is a much dryer year for all those that have been effected by flood damage.
Happy new year and here's to a fantastic 2013 in Cornwall and afar. I'm hoping for a year filled with more amazing live music, laughter and fingers crossed some Cornish sunshine.

Welcome to my Lifestyle blog Covering everything about living in Cornwall. From Travel, Festivals, Live Music gig reviews and classic car shows in the UK and abroad with lots of my photographs along the way. Not forgetting a healthy does of cake baking, running, cycling, surfing and sewing in between.
Monday, 31 December 2012
Sunday, 23 December 2012
Womens size 9 shoes
Today I decided it was time to replace last years trusted fluffy
boots with a new pair, a pair that didn't leak and weren't wearing thin on the
soles. Heading off into the local city centre of Truro I headed to the first
shoe shop. I enter Treds, my eyes light up
with their range of shoes and boots and so I head straight to the sales
assistant to ask for a particular boot in a size 9. She replies with
"Sorry we don't stock ANY size nines in this store any more"
little disappointed I head to the next shop this time Clarks, all their sale shoes are sorted by size. With a
grin on my face I head to the section that is clearly marked up with a big
number nine. Sadly I am mistaken once again; below the number nine is nothing
but size seven and eight shoes. The sales assistant in here was good enough to
come to my help and offer to order in a pair of shoes in a size 9 if i wanted and also said that i could order them online.
Without sounding like an ungrateful child that wants everything right now, I don't want to
order shoes online, i want to go into a shoe shop like any other lady and be
spoilt for choice over which shoes to buy. I want to try on several styles and
several colours and then buy the nicest fitting shoe or boot. I want the frill
of coming home from a successful shopping trip with a shiny new purchase.
Next I head to Schuh and now I’m
getting really excited, there's Hello Kitty trainers for adults, Vans wellies
in black and white checked prints not to mention the array of fluffy warm
looking boots, exactly what I’m looking for. Marching straight up to the
counter I ask for anything in a size nine? Yet again, I’m told that they don't
stock anything in a size nine. Although they did offer to try and order
something in the store for me. Since getting home I have been on the Schuh website and sorting the shoes by 'Womens' and 'Size 9' i'm deduced down to a selection of just 7 pairs of shoes to choose from, 6 of which are a unisex shoe. And as i'm looking for a pair of boots i'm still unhappy.
From the comfort of my sofa i head over to see what they could potentially order in for me from Treds. I soon realized that I couldn't even search the site by shoe size. So without looking up every page of shoe that i might vaguely be interested in and then checking to see if it came in a size suitable for me, I decided this would take several hours of my time and so quickly gave up.
Next over to the Clarks website where i'm delighted to say they actually have a dedicated page for the hard to find size 9 shoe. 49 different varieties of shoe all in a size 9, unfortunately they still don't have the flat comfy warm boot that I am trying so hard to find.
I have however,
heard of a shop on an industrial estate in Newquay itself, that make their own sheepskin boots in lots of
colours and up to a size nine!!!!! Fingers crossed the local trader can help
out and supply me with a new pair of boots to keep my feet warm this winter. I
will let you know how I get on, but I’m really hoping that I can visit the
store and choose a shoe or boot that I like, try it on in my size without
feeling like a freak for my big feet and treat myself this Christmas.
Is it so wrong for
a woman to want to go into a shop, see lots of choices of clothing or footwear
and try items on until you find something that makes you feel fabulous, that
you want to part your hard earned cash for? Just because I’m tall doesn't mean
that I don't want to be a girlie girl and enjoy a good old fashioned shopping trip.
Sunday, 9 December 2012
The Biggest Movember Mo EVER
In November, men all over the country started growing Moustaches in aid of Movember. Raising awareness and money for men’s health, specifically prostate cancer and testicular cancer.
Local artist Tony Plant took it one step further and turned Newquays Great Western Beach into a giant canvas and created the biggest Movember themed sand art ever. Tony invited locals down to the beach, armed them with rakes at low tide, and tasked them to create mustache themed artwork. Tony's work is all about creating art work within nature that can then be absorbed by nature, whether this is washed away with tides or removed by storms his art work is brief and this is the beauty of it.
It was amazing to witness the sand art from both on the sand and from the cliffs looking down.
Well done to everyone involved and particularly those that raised money for such a great cause. See all my photographs on my facebook page and don't forget to 'like' the page to keep up to date with all my latest photographs.
Monday, 3 December 2012
North devon floods, rainbows and classic car shows.
Last weekend whilst photographing a wedding in North Devon i was caught up in the worst weather and flooding the west country has experienced for years. News reports were coming in from Cornwall of very severe weather and that is was moving east and on it's way to Devon. Twitter feeds were full of reports of flooding and local radio stations had changed their usual shows to feature constant updates on the latest news and the situations on the roads.
This did not in any way damppen the spirits at the wedding, with the christmas decorations up the bride, groom and the hotel all looked wonderful and you'd never even know it was monsoon weather outside.
The dreaded storm moving over Bideford old bridge.
Rainbow over the new bridge Bideford.
On the sunday i was delighted to find a small classic car show in the panier market in Barnstaple.
Sunday, 2 December 2012
Baby it's cold outside!
Finally it feels like winter is here, With the advent calendars hung and the first chocolate consumed a heavy frost is just what was needed to complete the festive feeling.
The weather has been so crazy lately being rather mild and then getting terrible floods it makes a change to wake up to a cold crisp frosty winters morning and go for a walk in the Cornish country side.
The weather has been so crazy lately being rather mild and then getting terrible floods it makes a change to wake up to a cold crisp frosty winters morning and go for a walk in the Cornish country side.
Saturday, 1 December 2012
A Photographer without a computer!
Firstly i wanted to apologise for the lack of blog posts lately and share with you my frustration at having no computer :@(
2 Weeks ago my beloved iMac decided to blow up and give my the white screen of death. Now at first i thought i can live without a computer for a few days, how hard can it be! I can still take photos i can use my iphone for the internet it'll be fine, I then realised just how dependant i have become on my computer.
Mainly i am a photographer and these days that means you need a computer, I shoot all my files in RAW and so need my computer to convert these files into something more usable.
Two weeks ago when my computer died i took it into my local mac store for repair, to my horror it was the hard drive in my machine that had died. Fortunately being a photographer means i have back ups externally of all my 60,000 photos. However with the computer dropped off i went straight to the beach to photograph the Movember beach art down at Great Western Beach in Newquay.
Looking at the pictures on the little screen, i was keen to get them home and share them on my blog..... then remembered my lack of computer, No Lightroom software, no Photoshop, even having a laptop this wouldn't be able to cope with the size of 100 raw files.
A week later and i'm photographing a wedding and again missing my iMac to process the photos. Now after two weeks my iMac is back and the pictures will continue to flow on the blog. Hopefully a little more frequently now too, there's a backlog and with Christmas just around the corner i feel i have a very busy few weeks ahead of me but glad to finally have my machine back, Even if it did take me hours to reinstall all the software and get back up and running.
This is a message for anyone that has treasured photos, videos or files saved on a computer, NEVER rely on saving important documents in one place back them up more than once! I now have all my files backed up on the Mac, on an external drive and now on the cloud too.
2 Weeks ago my beloved iMac decided to blow up and give my the white screen of death. Now at first i thought i can live without a computer for a few days, how hard can it be! I can still take photos i can use my iphone for the internet it'll be fine, I then realised just how dependant i have become on my computer.
Mainly i am a photographer and these days that means you need a computer, I shoot all my files in RAW and so need my computer to convert these files into something more usable.
Two weeks ago when my computer died i took it into my local mac store for repair, to my horror it was the hard drive in my machine that had died. Fortunately being a photographer means i have back ups externally of all my 60,000 photos. However with the computer dropped off i went straight to the beach to photograph the Movember beach art down at Great Western Beach in Newquay.
Looking at the pictures on the little screen, i was keen to get them home and share them on my blog..... then remembered my lack of computer, No Lightroom software, no Photoshop, even having a laptop this wouldn't be able to cope with the size of 100 raw files.
A week later and i'm photographing a wedding and again missing my iMac to process the photos. Now after two weeks my iMac is back and the pictures will continue to flow on the blog. Hopefully a little more frequently now too, there's a backlog and with Christmas just around the corner i feel i have a very busy few weeks ahead of me but glad to finally have my machine back, Even if it did take me hours to reinstall all the software and get back up and running.
This is a message for anyone that has treasured photos, videos or files saved on a computer, NEVER rely on saving important documents in one place back them up more than once! I now have all my files backed up on the Mac, on an external drive and now on the cloud too.
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