This time last year going for a run was something that I did not do. I
couldn't run for 5 minutes, I had running trainers but these were about 10
years old and hadn’t seen the light of day for many years. But after hearing
about Park Run
I attended my first 5km run in December 2014.
I started off jogging and soon found myself out of breath and walking around
the 5km course but I got around the course and although I came in last with
only the tail runner behind me I felt great having attempted to run again. The
following day I could barely walk, my muscles hurt, going up and down stairs
was a challenge but after a few days of this wearing off I was already thinking
about going to Park Run the following week.
As the weeks went by I was not only going to Park Run on a regular basis I
was getting quicker and beginning to really enjoy running. As the weeks passed
I bought new runner trainers, new running clothes and was really getting into
my new hobby.
As the spring approached, so did my 30th birthday and with this I decided
that what better way to celebrate then signing up to do my first half marathon.
In May 2015 I signed up to run in the Cardiff Half Marathon in Cardiff in
October 2015. I figured that was plenty of time to get fit. What I hadn't
anticipated was that not long after my 30th birthday I had
pulled a muscle in my calf that just would not heal.
After weeks and weeks of treatment through the physiotherapist and the
chiropractor and joining a weekly yoga class just six weeks before the big day
I did my first run in three months. The massive break was absolutely heart-breaking.
I had only just found something that I really enjoyed and was really looking
forward to it and all this seemed to be in jeopardy with my injury.
However those six weeks before the half I started training, I started with
walking gently building up the miles walked before adding a
one mile run in themiddle of my walk. Slowly I gradually started to build the distance back up and
hoped that in just six weeks I would be able to run a whole 13.1 miles.
The weekend of the half marathon arrived and we left Cornwall and drove the
three hour journey up country and across into Wales. Arriving in Cardiff we
ventured into the runners village to get our bearings to know where to head the
following morning. We then found the hotel and had a lazy evening of carb
loading and watching movies.
Nervously waiting to start my first half marathon |
As the morning of the race approached I couldn't sleep and woke up at 6am
full of nerves and excitement. I tried to get some breakfast down me but being
so nervous and up so early I could only manage to eat a small cereal bar. Not
before long it was time to leave the hotel and take the 30 minute walk from the
hotel to the start line. As we left our room there were lots of other runners
also out early on the Sunday morning and we followed crowds of people walking
the same direction in running clothes into the city centre.
Waiting to run the Cardiff Half Marathon |
Looking at the crowds at the start of the cardiff half marathon |
Finding my pen, which wasn't hard as it was the slowest pen of the day right
at the back, I joined the massive queue for the portaloo and after a 20 minute
wait there, it was time to line up and get ready to run. There was literally 5
minutes to spare where I strapped my phone to my arm, arranged my headphones
and gave my hoody to my partner and it was time to go. The crowds sang the
Welsh national anthem, which I didn't know but it felt rather patriotic with
20,000 people all singing along. As each of the pens were released the gun
would sound, the runners would set off and we would shuffle forwards getting
closer and closer to the start line. Being my first half marathon I was really
excited and really nervous, I was carried along in the crowds and the
excitement and it hadn't really dawned on me about the actual run ahead.
Team Panda at the Cardiff Half Marathon |
Before I knew it we headed around the corner of Cardiff castle and the start
line was in sight, the gun sounded and the pen in front of us were off and it
was now our time to go. It was about 15 minutes since the official start at
9.00am when our gun fired, my heart skipped a beat and we were off. Cheering,
screaming, clapping, the crowds were amazing, I bounced along smiling as I
went, waving at completely random people as they called my name off of my
running vest.
Approaching the start line at the Cardiff half marathon |
Crowds pour through the start of the Cardiff Half Marathon |
Then the crowds died down, the runners started to spread out and we got into
our groove and It was there, I was running my first ever half marathon! The
emotions came over me in waves, running behind someone which had 'Nan' on their
running vest and running for Cancer Research made me well up and felt a sense
of amazement that I was one of these awesome people up early on a Sunday
morning doing something gruelling to help others. I was doing this to raise
money for WWF and help the environment and endangered animals and again feeling
a sense of pride the emotions of the day washed over me.
After about 15 minutes we had left the city centre and was now running
alongside industrial area and car show rooms the crowds of support were not as
present in this area and this was when it started to dawn on my just how much
of a journey I was going on this morning. I don't know Cardiff and I had never
done a half marathon before so all was a new experience to me. After several
more minutes of running I saw the sign to mark the two mile point. I'm not sure
what happened to the 1 mile mark I must have missed this but hitting the 2
miles it really dawned on me just how far this run was going to be.
Just after the 2 mile mark an ambulance sounded it's sirens and started to
gently work its way through the runners to some body in need. This completely
shocked me into reality, this wasn't a 5km park run jog around, this was a
massive challenge and I had over ten miles to go and already people were in
trouble and needing assistance. In my mind I thought about my run and worked
out in my head that I would use an energy gel at each 4 mile marker and I only
had 2 miles to go until my first boost of energy.
Reaching the 4 mile mark I reached for my first energy gel and managed to
squeeze most of the contents of the sachet all over my hands and down my front
and found myself in an awful sticky mess! Now not only was the realisation that
I was running on empty and the cereal bar that I had for breakfast several
hours earlier wasn't much sustenance to run 13 miles, my first energy gel was
all over my body rather than in my body.
My mood was picked up by the glimpse of boats on the water and the sound of
music up ahead and I picked my head up consumed what was left in my energy gel
and carried on. As I continued plodding along I soon reached the Cardiff
barrage and was jogging along by the sea. Having lived in Cornwall for the last
9 years seeing the sea gave me another boost and before I knew it I was passing
through the 5 mile marker.
Continuing along the marathon course I turned right away from the water and
headed through the six mile marker and passed through the water station where I
was grateful for a bottle of water not only to drink but to rinse over my hands
to remove some of the sticky mess that I had got into a couple of miles
previously. I ran through cheering crowds, live music and lots of support,
passing under a poster saying nearly halfway there I was feeling really strong
and really enjoying the run.
Spotting me on the television at the Cardiff Half Marathon coverage on the BBC |
I knew that I was now working towards seeing the
support from my boyfriend who had promised to try and see my pass at mile
To get to mile seven and eight was a little bit challenging, as you left the
beauty of the harbour and the distraction on the sights and crowds the miles
went by quite quickly. However the next two miles were up and over a duel
carriageway. There were a few supporters on the side of the road, some set up
for the morning with deck chairs and flasks but the gradual uphill over the
roads below and seeing cars whizzing up alongside us on the other side of the dual
carriageway was mentally quite draining but as we reached the end of the dual
carriageway we headed back into the city and back into roaring crowds of
It seemed that mile seven on that dual carriageway was ages ago and I was
now starting to feel the run in my legs but I knew that seeing my boyfriend
would spur me on. As I started getting to what I thought would be closer to
mile eight where we had agreed he would try and see me the crowds were all
starting to build. I kept to the middle of the road and scanned left and right
desperately trying to spot him. To my delight I could see him up ahead on the
left, I started to weave in and out of runners and make my way over to the side
of the road with a swift high five and a shout of good luck I continued and
headed towards mile 9.
I was really starting to feel it now and consumed another gel shot, this
time I opened it more carefully and managed to actually eat the majority of the
gel. The support around these miles was great there were crowds in the streets
cheering us on there were people holding out trays of jelly babies and the
local church offering out cups of water. After mile 9, I approached an out and
back section and got a glimpse of people 2 miles ahead of me passing me at
their mile 12 point and it was here that I really hit the wall.
As I approached mile 10 we were running alongside the Roath Lake. I passed
an old peoples residential home where all the elderly were sitting outside
wrapped in blankets holding up signs saying only 2.5 miles to go. It was here I
started to hit the wall, 2.5 miles to go, this was like doing another whole
parkrun. I was seriously flagging, I kept getting glimpses of the runners on
the other side of the lake that were closer to finishing and I was really
struggling on through. I turned the corner at the top of the lake and knew we
were heading back into the city now and then BAM. I got cramp in my toe!
I wiggled my toes to try and rid the cramp and then it went from cramp in a
toe to my whole leg going stiff, cramping and into spasm. I went from the
steady paced jog that I had been doing for the last 2 hours to a walking
limping cramping mess. I decided that now was the time to consume my last
energy gel to get me through the last 2 miles. I could see the mile 11 marker
in the distance and told myself to walk and consume the gel and consume some
water and hope that the cramp would soon go. Of which it did and with people
calling my name and cheering me on I picked up the limpy walk fritted my teeth
and got back into a slow jog and found myself getting back into the grove a
bit... and then comes the hill!!!!
I was warned about the hill at mile 12 and I looked at the gradient map and
though pfffft If I can do Lanhydrock Park Run which is one of the toughest park
runs in the UK then this hill would be a doddle. OH how wrong could I be, the
minute I hit the change in gradient and the change in pace the cramping and
twinging fired back into my leg. I walked up the hill and was joined by a fellow
panda named James also running for the WWF. We walked up the hill together
chatted a bit and then both reached the top, commended each other and were
ready for one last mile to the finish line.
At this point things start to become a blur, as you reach the city centre
the crowds start to build and the runners start to funnel in close to each
other and sweep through the city roads. At this point I'm not really thinking
about anything, just concentrating on not stopping and keeping one foot in
front of the other and as I turn a corner I see it. The Finish Line. It's
literally a 100 metre run to the end, I was coming to the end of my first half
I raised my arms in celebration at crossing the finish line and get chorused
through by volunteers passing you water, bananas and directing you to receive
your sized running t-shirt and finally your medal. I heard my name being called
and realised that my boyfriend was there at the finish line and had watched me
come through. I walked over for hugs and continued to walk through to the exit
of the finish line.

I didn't want to stop at this point, I felt like I was floating I just kept
walking. I drank the water, had a recovery sachet and ate my banana and
finished with a massage and wasn't feeling too bad so headed back to the finish
line to support any runners still yet to finish. After cheering and waving and
clapping other runners through we decided we should start making our way home
as we had another half hour walk back to the car and a three hour drive home.
The walk back to the car was gruelling I really was hurting at this point. The
back of one knee and the opposite hip were throbbing and upon reaching the car
I flopped into the passenger seat where my partner kindly drove us home.
Mandi Brooks with my medal and T-Shirt at the Cardiff Half Marathon |
I wore my medal and commemorative t-shirt the whole way home and felt so
proud. The next few days were interesting when walking upstairs but after a
couple more days my legs were feeling more normal.
I had done it, I had run a half marathon. From my first ever Park Run to a half
marathon in just 10 months and I had
raised over £400 for the WWF.
Running my first half marathon in 2 hours 23 minutes |
I felt AWESOME and it wasn't long before I was back at Park Run the
following week and already perusing through the internet finding out what my
next run to enter would be.